互联证劵融资平台 Global Eyes on China|President of L'Oréal North Asia Zone: Next China is China

发布日期:2024-11-02 21:16    点击次数:82

互联证劵融资平台 Global Eyes on China|President of L'Oréal North Asia Zone: Next China is China

(原标题:Global Eyes on China|President of L'Oréal North Asia Zone: Next China is China)互联证劵融资平台

南方财经全媒体记者李依农 高江虹 上海、北京报道

Editor’s Note: Since the reform and opening-up, China has undergone profound transformations, with foreign multinational companies playing a key role. As important participants, they have provided indispensable momentum for China’s journey toward high-quality development. Meanwhile, the global expansion of Chinese multinational enterprises has brought new energy to the nation’s growth. As celebrating the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, we are launching the special coverage "Multinationals on China" to review the course of China’s high-level opening-up.

This year marks the 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and France, and to celebrate this milestone, L'Oréal has partnered with the National Museum of China to bring the essence of Notre-Dame Cathedral to Beijing. The exhibition, showcasing four priceless artifacts from the cathedral for the first time in China, highlights the deep cultural ties between the two nations.

Vincent Boinay, President of L'Oréal North Asia Zone and CEO of L'Oréal China, emphasized the significance of this collaboration. In this special year, which also marks L'Oréal's 115th anniversary, the partnership with the National Museum of China brings together culture, art, and technology, fostering deeper understanding between the Chinese and French people. This cultural exchange not only enriches the relationship between the two countries but also strengthens their economic and cultural cooperation.

Notre-Dame, a symbol of nearly a millennium of French heritage, represents the timeless creativity of humanity and plays a vital role in enhancing Sino-French cultural dialogue. Through this exhibition, L'Oréal also reaffirms its strong confidence in the Chinese market and its commitment to China's future, reinforcing the belief that China’s potential will continue to flourish in the years to come.




记者:高江虹 李依农


新媒体统筹:丁青云 曾婷芳 赖禧 黄达迅

海外运营监制: 黄燕淑

海外运营内容统筹: 黄子豪 

海外运营编辑:庄欢 吴婉婕 龙李华 张伟韬


公司简介:中国建材股份有限公司(HK3323)由两家H股上市公司原中国建材股份有限公司与原中国中材股份有限公司于2018年5月重组而成,是大型建材央企中国建材集团有限公司最核心的产业平台和旗舰上市公司。 公司总资产4893亿元,水泥产能5.21亿吨、商混产能4.44亿方、石膏板产能27.5亿平方米、玻璃纤维产能289.3万吨,风电叶片产能13.58GW、水泥和玻璃工程服务占全球市场份额65%,这七项业务均居世界第一,旗下拥有7家A股上市公司,员工总数超过20万。2005年至2019年底,公司资产规模、营业收入、利润总额(合并数据)年均复合增长率分别为29%、31%、31%,累计实现利润1662亿元,上缴税金1830亿元,股东分红115亿元,实现了国有资本保值增值,为股东创造了优异回报,很好地支持了行业发展和回馈社会。 未来,公司将致力于打造水泥、新材料、工程服务三足鼎立的发展格局,打造世界一流的综合建材和新材料企业并创造出建材领域全球领先的上市公司,不断巩固行业领先地位,增强国际市场竞争力,为股东创造更大的价值,为集团公司开启高质量发展新局面、建设世界一流材料产业投资集团作出积极贡献。



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